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The Necklace

Books by Guy de Maupassant on Google Play 

Guy De Maupassant

The main themes in "The Necklace" are greed, deceptive appearances, and beauty and vanity. Greed: Mathilde Loisel's overwhelming desire to live a life of luxury blinds her to the comforts she already possesses and ultimately leads to her losing what wealth and status she initially has.


The short story "The Necklace" by Guy De Maupassant takes place in France several hundred years ago. Mathilde Loisel lives in a flat with her husband, who works as a clerk for the Minister of Education. Their lives are not luxurious, but they are not poor, merely simple. Mathilde, however, longs to be rich. She envies her friend Jeanne who has a large house and lots of jewelry. One day her husband brings home an invitation to a ball. He thinks his wife will be excited to attend such a fancy party, but instead she is upset. She complains that she has nothing suitable to wear to such an extravagant occasion. Her kind husband agrees to give her the four hundred francs that he had been saving to buy a new rifle to get herself a gown. The week of the party, Mathilde seems anxious again. When her husband asks her why, she frets that she has no jewelry to wear with her dress. He suggests that perhaps she could borrow something from her friend Jeanne Forestier. Mathilde goes to Jeanne's house and picks out a sparkling diamond necklace to borrow. She and her husband attend the gala and have a fabulous time. She loves amazing and dances all night. Finally, they head home in the wee hours of the morning. When they arrive home, Mathilde realizes that the necklace is missing. They wonder if it fell off in the carriage that they took home, but neither of them noticed the number. Her husband goes out to search the streets but returns empty handed. To stall for time, Mathilde writes to her friend that she broke the clasp and is having it repaired. In the meantime, they find another necklace that matches the missing one, but it costs thirty-six thousand francs. Her husband fortunately inherited eighteen thousand francs from his father, but they will need to borrow the rest of the money. Finally, they have enough to purchase the replacement necklace and Mathilde gives it to Jeanne who doesn't even look at it. The next ten years Mathilde's life changes dramatically. They move to a smaller apartment where she has to cook and clean for herself. She also does work on the side while her husband works multiple jobs to pay back all the money they borrowed. After the ten years, the money is all paid back, but Mathilde has aged a great deal. One day she sees Jeanne Forestier on the street. She decides to tell her the truth about the necklace. Jeanne is stunned by Mathilde's rough appearance. Mathilde explains that it is indirectly because of Jeanne since she lost the necklace she borrowed from her and had to pay for a replacement. Shocked, Jeanne confesses that the necklace Mathilde borrowed was a fake, made of paste, worth no more than five hundred francs. Clearly, the lesson of the story is that honesty is the best policy. If Mathilde had been honest with her friend from the start, she would have learned that the necklace wasn't made of real diamonds and would not have wasted ten years paying for a replacement.


Read and Find Out

1. What kind of a person is Mme Loisel − why is she always unhappy?

Ans: Mme.Loisel is a woman who lives in the world of dreams. She gives much value to her dreams and hence over-looks the realities of life. That is why, she is always unhappy as dreams are a virtual reality and can’t be true .


2. What kind of a person is her husband?

Ans: Her husband is a very simple and kind- hearted person. He is an ordinary man ,who just like others, is caring and wants his wife to be happy.  


Read and Find Out

1. What fresh problem now disturbs Mme Loisel?

Ans: After buying a pretty dress, Mme Loisel was bothered by yet another problem. She had no jewels to adorn herself with. She said she would feel inferior and have a poverty-stricken look. Her husband suggested that she should wear some natural flowers. However, she refused and said that there was nothing more humiliating than to have a shabby air in the midst of rich women.


2. How is the problem solved?

Ans: Mme Loisel’s husband solved this problem. He told his wife to request her friend, Mme Forestier, to lend her some jewels. When she went to Mme Forestier, the latter brought a jewel case for Mme Loisel so that she could choose whichever jewels she liked.


Read and Find Out 

1. What do M. and Mme Loisel do next?

Ans: When M. and Mme Loisel realized that the necklace was missing, they tried finding out where she could have possibly lost it. They concluded that it might have dropped in the cab they were traveling in. But they did not remember its number. So, in an attempt to find the necklace, Loisel went over the track where they had walked. When he found nothing, he went to the police and to the cab offices. He even put an advertisement in the newspapers, offering a reward. Meanwhile he asked Matilda to write a letter to Mme Forestier, explaining that she had broken the clasp of the necklace and would get it repaired and return it soon. This gave them time to find the necklace. However, they eventually decided to replace the necklace with a new one.


Thinking about the text

1. The course of the Loisels’ life changed due to the necklace. Comment.

Ans: The course of the Loisel’s life changed due to the necklace. After replacing the lost necklace with a new one, they had to repay all the money that they had borrowed to buy the new necklace. They sent away the maid and changed their lodgings. They rented some rooms in an attic. Matilda learnt the odious work of the kitchen. She washed the dishes, soiled linen, their clothes and dishcloths. She even took down the refuse to the street each morning and brought up the water, stopping at each landing to catch her breath. She went to the grocer’s, the butcher’s, and the fruitier’s, with a basket on her arm, shopping, haggling to save her money. Loisel worked in the evenings, putting the books of some merchants in order. At night, he did copy work at five sou a page. This lasted for ten years, and at the end of the said period, they were finally able to repay their lenders.


2. What was the cause of Matilda’s ruin? How could she have avoided it?

Ans: The cause of Matilda’s ruin was her dissatisfaction with whatever life offered her. She was always unhappy. She felt that she was born for all the delicacies and luxuries of life. She disliked being in her current circumstances. She could have avoided this ruin by being content with whatever she had.


3. What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace?

Ans: If Matilda would have confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace, she might have been in lesser trouble than what she had to face after having replaced the necklace. Her friend would have definitely been angry with her. Most likely, she would also have asked Matilda to replace it and given her the details from where she had bought the necklace and how much it had cost her. Matilda would have thus known that the jewels in the necklace were actually not real diamonds. It would have cost her a far lesser amount to replace it. Matilda would thus have saved herself and her husband of all the trouble they went through and life would have been much better and easier for them.



The moral of the story "The Necklace" is to be satisfied with what one has. In the story, Mathilde is not happy with anything.


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