The Tale of Custard the Dragon Vivek August 22, 2020 Frederic Ogden Nash The poem revolves around the theme that one should not judge a book by its cover: Custard is always mocked for bei...Read More
Animals Vivek August 22, 2020 Walt Whitman In the poem 'Animals', the poet Walt Whitman praises animals for being better than human beings and for possessing a...Read More
Amanda Vivek August 22, 2020 Robin Klein The poem revolves around how a child is constantly nagged by her mother. The poetess sheds light on how a child is always mon...Read More
The Ball Vivek August 22, 2020 John Berryman The theme of the poem is that life is precious and should not be wasted. Life has to be lived. And life can be lived purpose...Read More
A Tiger in the Zoo Vivek August 22, 2020 Leslie Norris The poet Leslie Norris wants to convey that it is cruel to keep wild animals in small enclosures in the zoo, away from thei...Read More
Fire and Ice Vivek August 22, 2020 Robert Frost 'Fire and Ice' is about destruction, the central theme of the poem. The second part of the poem indicates destruction...Read More
Dust of Snow Vivek August 22, 2020 Robert Frost Dust of Snow has as its main themes: communication between nature and humans. nature healing and helping with negative human...Read More
The Book that Saved the Earth Vivek August 22, 2020 Claire Boiko The play 'The Book that Saved the Earth' is based on the theme that half-fed knowledge is always dangerous. It also ...Read More
Bholi Vivek August 22, 2020 Khwaja Ahmad Abbas The major theme of the story Bholi is the impact of family on children. Bholi is a little girl who fails to develop se...Read More